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Working with events

The Base class helps you manage event handler with automatic binding of all class methods prefixed with on. These methods can listen to events on different targets:

  • the component itself with on<CustomEventName>
  • the root element of the component with on<NativeEventName>
  • the global window object with onWindow<NativeEventName>
  • the global document object with onDocument<NativeEventName>
  • any refs defined with on<RefName><NativeEventName>
  • any child component with on<ChildName><CustomEventName>

The following methods can be used:

import { Base } from '@studiometa/js-toolkit';
import Child from './Child.js';

class App extends Base {
  static config = {
    name: 'App',
    emits: ['custom-event'],
    refs: ['btn'],
    components: {

  // Will be triggered when `this.$el` is clicked
  onClick({ event, index, target, args }) {}

  // Will be triggered when the `custom-event` is emitted on the instance
  onCustomEvent({ event, index, target, args }) {}

  // Will be triggered when the `window` is clicked
  onWindowClick({ event, index, target, args }) {}

  // Will be triggered when the `document` is clicked
  onDocumentClick({ event, index, target, args }) {}

  // Will be triggered when the `btn` ref is clicked
  onBtnClick({ event, index, target, args }) {}

  // Will be triggered when any `Child` component is clicked
  onChildClick({ event, index, target, args }) {}

All methods will be given the same unique context parameter when called. This parameter is an object of type:

type EventHooksCallbackParams = {
   * The event emitted
  event: Event;
   * If the event is emitted on a component, given arguments
   * can be accessed with the `args` property.
  args: Array<any>;
   * If the event is emitted on multiple refs or children, the `index`
   * property will be the index of the current target.
  index: number;
   * The target that emitted the event.
  target: Element | Base | Promise<Base> | typeof window | typeof document;

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