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Use this decorator to quickly create variants of an existing class.


import { withExtraConfig } from '@studiometa/js-toolkit';
import Component from './Component.js';

export default withExtraConfig(Component, { log: true });


  • BaseClass (Base): The class to add extra configuration to.
  • config (BaseConfig): The extra config to merge with the existing one, see Configuration for more details

Return value

  • Base: A child class of the given class with the merge configuration


Add new refs

This decorator can be used to easily add a new ref to an existing component.

import Modal from '@studiometa/ui/Modal';
import { withExtraConfig } from '@studiometa/js-toolkit';

export default withExtraConfig(Modal, { refs: ['toggle'] });

Change default options

Components can define default values for their options, this decorator can be used to change them without the hassle of re-writing the whole configuration.

import Modal from '@studiometa/ui/Modal';
import { withExtraConfig } from '@studiometa/js-toolkit';

export default withExtraConfig(Modal, {
  options: {
    styles: {
      default: () => ({
        /* ... */

Enable debug or log easily

This decorator can be used to quickly enable debug for an external component.

import { Base, withExtraConfig } from '@studiometa/js-toolkit';
import Modal from '@studiometa/ui/Modal';

class App extends Base {
  static config = {
    name: 'App',
    components: {
      Modal: withExtraConfig(Modal, { debug: true }),

Pass option to the merge function

This decorator uses deepmerge to merge the config properties, you can pass options to it with the third parameter:

import { withExtraConfig } from '@studiometa/js-toolkit';
import Modal from '@studiometa/ui/Modal';

export default withExtraConfig(Modal, {
  refs: ['toggle']
}, {
  arrayMerge(target, source, options) { /* ... */ }

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