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Instance methods


Can be used to log content to the console when the instance.$options.log options is set to true, either via the config getter or via the data-options attribute.


  • ...args (any[]): The content to log


import { Base } from '@studiometa/js-toolkit';

export default class Component extends Base {
  static config = {
    name: 'Component',
    log: true,

  mounted() {


Can be used to handle a warning to the console when the instance.$options.log options is set to true, either via the config getter or via the data-options attribute.


  • ...args (any[]): The content to warn


import { Base } from '@studiometa/js-toolkit';

export default class Component extends Base {
  static config = {
    name: 'Component',
    log: true,

  mounted() {
    this.$warn('Warning!'); // [Component-1] Warning!

$on(event, callback[, options])

Bind a callback function to an event emitted by the instance. Returns a function to unbind the callback from the event.


  • event (string): The name of the event.
  • callback (EventListenerOrEventListenerObject): A callback function or an object implementing the EventListener interface.
  • options (boolean|AddEventListenerOptions): Options for the addEventListener method, defaults to undefined.

Return value

  • () => void: A function to unbind the callback from the event.


import { Base } from '@studiometa/js-toolkit';

export default class Component extends Base {
  static config = {
    name: 'Component',
    log: true,

  mounted() {
    const removeEventListener = this.$on('updated', () => {

    // Remove the event listener


Use the options.once parameter to run the callback only once.

this.$on('updated', () => {}, { once: true });

$off(event, callback[, options])

Unbind a callback function from an event emitted by the instance. If no callback function is provided, all previously binded callbacks will be removed.


  • event (string): The name of the event.
  • callback (EventListenerOrEventListenerObject): The callback function or the object implementing the EventListener interface which was bound to the event.
  • options (boolean|AddEventListenerOptions): Options for the removeEventListener method, defaults to undefined.


import { Base } from '@studiometa/js-toolkit';

export default class Component extends Base {
  static config = {
    name: 'Component',
    log: true,

  mounted() {
    const callback = () => this.$log('updated');

    this.$on('updated', callback);

    // Removes the binded callback
    this.$off('updated', callback);

$emit(event[, ...args])

Emit an event from the current instance, with optional custom arguments. The event will be dispatched on the instance root element, allowing other components or scripts to listen to it.


  • event (string | Event): The name of the event or an Event instance.
  • ...args (any[]): The data to send with the event.


import { Base } from '@studiometa/js-toolkit';

export default class Component extends Base {
  static config = {
    name: 'Component',
    log: true,

  mounted() {
    this.$on('custom-event', (a, b) => this.$log(a + b)); // 3
    this.$emit('custom-event', 1, 2);


Mount the component and its children, will trigger the mounted lifecycle method.

Return value

  • Promise<this>: returns the current instance when all children components are mounted


Update the children list from the DOM, and mount the new ones. This method can be used when inserting new content loaded over Ajax.

Return value

  • Promise<this>: returns the current instance when all children components are updated


Destroy the component and its children, will trigger the destroyed lifecycle method.

Return value

  • Promise<this>: returns the current instance when all children components are destroyed


Terminate the component, its instance is made available to garbage collection.

Return value

  • Promise<void>: returns a promise resolving when all children components are terminated


A terminated component can not be re-mounted, use with precaution.

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